Our expert staff can work with you one-on-one or as a department or college to help
you achieve your goals. Not sure which technologies we support? Go to our About page to learn more.
Support & Consultation
The CTRE provides ongoing support for the use of various educational technologies,
for both instructors and students. Our expert instructional designers and eLearning
consultants are available year-round whether something has gone wrong or you want
to learn more about tech and tools.
Professional Development
Our professional development offerings are designed to be responsive to the needs
of CSU faculty and to foster community, connection, and learning. With our Teaching
Tips & Tools (T3) workshops and Resources, faculty can stay at the cutting edge of
teaching and research.
The CTRE's Grants & Awards program celebrates faculty for their unique contributions
to the CSU community and beyond, with special recognition for inclusive teaching excellence,
research, and community engagement.